Carlos Arnaiz: Displacements

June 29 to September 15, 2023

There is something in the form that resists geometric explanation, and that “something” is movement, which converts the space of the painting into time. The forms from Carlos Arnaiz -those that result from his only form- are restless, they go from one side to the other, according to a law of permutation only the artist knows and masters.
Rather than maintain their independence on the same plane (like characters in a theater play who do not need to speak to each other), the boundaries between forms tend to get blurred: we no longer know where each one begins because the brushstroke invades, overlaps, creates alliances, morphological conjurations.
It is here that Arnaiz’s vegetal imagination comes into play, and as in a wild garden -the contradiction is apparent-, where one flower advances on another and together make a different flower. The artist invents those flowers that do not exist and their couplings. These movements and these multiplications also lead to another side: they are generously empty metaphors, which Arnaiz hands over to be filled in by the eye of the observer.
Pablo Gianera