Carlos Arnaiz / De Natura

From July 18 until September 13, 2016

Botany, and nature in general, have been a constant source of inspiration for Carlos Arnaiz. In this new series of works the artist returns to his fascination with floral or dendrological forms.

Arnaiz does not represent the flower, leaf or seed, tree or plant in a mimetic way; but it is easy to see the “natural” spirit that animates them in his baroque and sumptuously colorful morphology.

The painter does not literally copy the flower or plant, these serve more as inspiration than as a model; he recreates and breaks the forms down until reaching a singularly pictorial synthesis that works in an allusive, metaphorical, ornamental way. Arnaiz’s work, through his bold use of color and sinuosity of his drawing, conveys a strong sense of energy and vitality.

The exhibition consists of oil and acrylic works, both medium and large on canvas and paper. There will also be a recent series of paintings on wood, 60 x 60 cm.